About Terralift

The recognition Terralift has today as the sports turf industry ‘benchmark’ for organically derived fertilisers, nutrition and root-zone supports, began with a decision 32 years ago to broaden turf nutrition and its performance beyond the standard NPK and trace elements approach.

Since that time Terralift has invested in the research and development of its own proprietary aerobic composting, thermophilic digestion, organic fusion granulation and liquid extraction systems for the production of a nutrient rich plant performance fertilisers and range ofproducts.


Terralift fertiliser and turf nutrition products benefit from the pasteurisation and re-generation of food residue, seaweeds, humates and carbohydrates to enhance root-zone nutrient preservation, soil chemistry and plant metabolic activity, for healthy, low maintenance, disease resistant, sustainable performance sports playing surfaces.

Today Terralift is...


Conforms to the aims of limiting applied chemical fertiliser volumes, improving natural disease suppression and building sport turf’s capability to withstand changing climatic conditions.


In synergy with today’s demand for ‘performance from low environmental impact’ products.


Ahead of the curve in developing formulations to match the need for maintaining year round quality sports and amenity playing surfaces with minimal surface disruption.

Terralift were the first to...

  • Develop a 3 stage aerobic composting process to maximise the microbial breakdown of combined animal, vegetable and marine constituents

  • Manufacture a homogenous fertiliser granule incorporating a 64% organic complex

  • Incorporate ‘digested’ natural plant growth regulators, humic and amino acids in formulations

  • Add a wetting agent to a fertiliser and now to follow this with the addition of Mycorrhiza fungi

  • Move to 100% urban food residue compost as a primary support to sports turf environmental aims

  • Formulate a liquid ‘aerator’ with an accompanying food supply for indigenous aerobic Microflora

  • Provide Microflora formulations with an accompanying food system to improve their survival potential